Romain Chantereay f70d60877a Uptaded NSI scripts:
* Set version to 0.4.1-2 (filename is set too)
    * Updated files modules documentation.
    * Added intl.dll (part of gettext project) to dependencies installation.

PS: Gettext is not included, just intl.dll
2004-09-17 12:18:30 +00:00
nsis Uptaded NSI scripts: 2004-09-17 12:18:30 +00:00
.cvsignore include win32/ in make dist 2004-07-22 17:41:01 +00:00 Re added win32 directory in the distribution. 2004-08-23 17:14:00 +00:00
lasso.rc Updated NSI scripts. 2004-09-07 17:08:48 +00:00