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* Implementation of the SAML 2.0 HTTP-REDIRECT binding.
* @author Andreas Åkre Solberg, UNINETT AS. <>
* @package simpleSAMLphp
* @version $Id$
class SimpleSAML_Bindings_SAML20_HTTPRedirect {
private $configuration = null;
private $metadata = null;
function __construct(SimpleSAML_Configuration $configuration, SimpleSAML_Metadata_MetaDataStorageHandler $metadatastore) {
$this->configuration = $configuration;
$this->metadata = $metadatastore;
public function signQuery($query, $md) {
/* Check if signing of HTTP-Redirect messages is enabled. */
if (!array_key_exists('request.signing', $md) || !$md['request.signing']){
return $query;
if (!array_key_exists('privatekey', $md)) {
throw new Exception('If you set request.signing to be true in the metadata, you also have to add the privatekey parameter.');
/* Load the private key. */
$privatekey = $this->configuration->getPathValue('certdir') . $md['privatekey'];
if (!file_exists($privatekey)) {
throw new Exception('Could not find private key file [' . $privatekey . '] which is needed to sign the request.');
/* Sign the query string. According to the specification, the string which should be
* signed is the concatenation of the following query parameters (in order):
* - SAMLRequest/SAMLResponse
* - RelayState (if present)
* - SigAlg
* We assume that the query string now contains only the two first parameters.
/* Append the signature algorithm. We always use RSA-SHA1. */
$algURI = '';
$query = $query . "&" . "SigAlg=" . urlencode($algURI);
$xmlseckey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, array('type'=>'private'));
/* Set the passphrase which should be used to open the key, if this attribute is
* set in the metadata.
if(array_key_exists('privatekey_pass', $md)) {
$xmlseckey->passphrase = $md['privatekey_pass'];
$signature = $xmlseckey->signData($query);
$query = $query . "&" . "Signature=" . urlencode(base64_encode($signature));
return $query;
public function validateQuery($issuer,$mode = 'SP',$request = 'SAMLRequest') {
$metadataset = 'saml20-idp-remote';
if ($mode == 'IdP') {
$metadataset = 'saml20-sp-remote';
SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Library - HTTPRedirect validateQuery(): Looking up metadata issuer:' . $issuer . ' in set '. $metadataset);
$md = $this->metadata->getMetaData($issuer, $metadataset);
// check whether to validate or not
if (!array_key_exists('request.signing', $md) || !$md['request.signing']){
return false;
if (!isset($_GET['Signature'])) {
throw new Exception('No Signature on the request, required by configuration');
SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Library - HTTPRedirect validateQuery(): All required paramaters received.');
// building query string
$query = $request.'='.urlencode($_GET[$request]);
if($_GET['RelayState']) {
$relaystate = $_GET['RelayState'];
$query .= "&RelayState=" . urlencode($relaystate);
$algURI = '';
if (isset($_GET['SigAlg']) && $_GET['SigAlg'] != $algURI) {
throw new Exception('Signature must be rsa-sha1 based');
$query = $query . "&" . "SigAlg=" . urlencode($algURI);
SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Library - HTTPRedirect validateQuery(): Built query: ' . $query);
SimpleSAML_Logger::debug('Library - HTTPRedirect validateQuery(): Sig Alg: ' . $algURI);
if (!array_key_exists('certificate', $md)) {
throw new Exception('If you set request.signing to be true in the metadata, you also have to add the certificate parameter.');
// check if public key of sp exists
$publickey = $this->configuration->getPathValue('certdir') . $md['certificate'];
if (!is_file($publickey)) {
throw new Exception('Could not find certificate file [' . $publickey . '] which is needed to verify the request.');
// getting signature from get arguments
$signature = @base64_decode($_GET['Signature']);
if (!$signature) {
throw new Exception('Error base64 decoding signature parameter.');
// verify signature using xmlseclibs
$xmlseckey = new XMLSecurityKey(XMLSecurityKey::RSA_SHA1, array('type'=>'public'));
if (!$xmlseckey->verifySignature($query,$signature)) {
throw new Exception("Unable to validate Signature");
//signature ok
return true;
public function getRedirectURL($request, $localentityid, $remoteentityid, $relayState = null, $endpoint = 'SingleSignOnService', $direction = 'SAMLRequest', $mode = 'SP') {
if (!in_array($mode, array('SP', 'IdP'))) {
throw new Exception('mode parameter of sendMessage() must be either SP or IdP');
$metadataset = 'saml20-idp-remote';
if ($mode == 'IdP') {
$metadataset = 'saml20-sp-remote';
$md = $this->metadata->getMetaData($remoteentityid, $metadataset);
$realendpoint = $endpoint;
if ($endpoint == 'SingleLogoutServiceResponse' && !isset($md[$endpoint]))
$realendpoint = 'SingleLogoutService';
$idpTargetUrl = $md[$realendpoint];
if (!isset($idpTargetUrl) or $idpTargetUrl == '') {
throw new Exception('Could not find endpoint [' .$endpoint . '] in metadata for [' . $remoteentityid . '] (looking in ' . $metadataset . ')');
$request = urlencode( base64_encode( gzdeflate( $request ) ));
$request = $direction . "=" . $request;
if (isset($relayState)) {
$request .= "&RelayState=" . urlencode($relayState);
$metadataset = 'saml20-sp-hosted';
if ($mode == 'IdP') {
$metadataset = 'saml20-idp-hosted';
$localmd = $this->metadata->getMetaData($localentityid, $metadataset);
$request = $this->signQuery($request, $localmd);
$redirectURL = $idpTargetUrl . "?" . $request;
return $redirectURL;
public function sendMessage($request, $localentityid, $remoteentityid, $relayState = null, $endpoint = 'SingleSignOnService', $direction = 'SAMLRequest', $mode = 'SP') {
SimpleSAML_Utilities::validateSAMLMessage($request, 'saml20');
$redirectURL = $this->getRedirectURL($request, $localentityid, $remoteentityid, $relayState, $endpoint, $direction, $mode);
if ($this->configuration->getValue('debug')) {
$p = new SimpleSAML_XHTML_Template($this->configuration, 'httpredirect-debug.php');
$p->data['header'] = 'HTTP-REDIRECT Debug';
$p->data['url'] = $redirectURL;
$p->data['message'] = htmlentities($request);
} else {
public function decodeRequest($get) {
if (!isset($get['SAMLRequest'])) {
throw new Exception('SAMLRequest parameter not set in paramter (on SAML 2.0 HTTP Redirect binding endpoint)');
$rawRequest = $get["SAMLRequest"];
/* Check if the service provider has included a RelayState
* parameter with the request. This parameter should be
* included in the response to the SP after authentication.
if(array_key_exists('RelayState', $get)) {
$relaystate = $get['RelayState'];
} else {
$relaystate = NULL;
$decodedRequest = @base64_decode($rawRequest);
if (!$decodedRequest) {
throw new Exception('Could not base64 decode SAMLRequest GET parameter');
$samlRequestXML = @gzinflate($decodedRequest);
if (!$samlRequestXML) {
$error = error_get_last();
throw new Exception('Could not gzinflate base64 decoded SAMLRequest: ' . $error['message'] );
SimpleSAML_Utilities::validateSAMLMessage($samlRequestXML, 'saml20');
$samlRequest = new SimpleSAML_XML_SAML20_AuthnRequest($this->configuration, $this->metadata);
if (!is_null($relaystate)) {
return $samlRequest;
public function decodeLogoutRequest($get) {
if (!isset($get['SAMLRequest'])) {
throw new Exception('SAMLRequest parameter not set in paramter (on SAML 2.0 HTTP Redirect binding endpoint)');
$rawRequest = $get["SAMLRequest"];
/* Check if a RelayState was provided with the request. */
if(array_key_exists('RelayState', $get)) {
$relaystate = $get['RelayState'];
} else {
$relaystate = NULL;
$decodedRequest = @base64_decode($rawRequest);
if (!$decodedRequest) {
throw new Exception('Could not base64 decode SAMLRequest GET parameter');
$samlRequestXML = @gzinflate($decodedRequest);
if (!$samlRequestXML) {
$error = error_get_last();
throw new Exception('Could not gzinflate base64 decoded SAMLRequest: ' . $error['message'] );
SimpleSAML_Utilities::validateSAMLMessage($samlRequestXML, 'saml20');
$samlRequest = new SimpleSAML_XML_SAML20_LogoutRequest($this->configuration, $this->metadata);
if (isset($relaystate)) {
#echo("Authn response = " . $samlResponse );
return $samlRequest;
public function decodeLogoutResponse($get) {
if (!isset($get['SAMLResponse'])) {
throw new Exception('SAMLResponse parameter not set in paramter (on SAML 2.0 HTTP Redirect binding endpoint)');
$rawRequest = $get["SAMLResponse"];
/* Check if a RelayState was provided with the request. */
if(array_key_exists('RelayState', $get)) {
$relaystate = $get['RelayState'];
} else {
$relaystate = NULL;
$decodedRequest = @base64_decode($rawRequest);
if (!$decodedRequest) {
throw new Exception('Could not base64 decode SAMLRequest GET parameter');
$samlRequestXML = @gzinflate($decodedRequest);
if (!$samlRequestXML) {
$error = error_get_last();
throw new Exception('Could not gzinflate base64 decoded SAMLRequest: ' . $error['message'] );
SimpleSAML_Utilities::validateSAMLMessage($samlRequestXML, 'saml20');
$samlRequest = new SimpleSAML_XML_SAML20_LogoutResponse($this->configuration, $this->metadata);
if (isset($relaystate)) {
#echo("Authn response = " . $samlResponse );
return $samlRequest;